Hutan Pinus Loji hello everyone, I'm back to meet you again, hehe This time I want to recommend a really good place for a holiday or just traveling. does anyone know the name of the place? that's right, the name of the place is Loji Pine Forest. This tourist spot is in the Blitar area. It is indeed a little far from urban areas, but the views and atmosphere presented are no less interesting than tourist attractions in the city. In this forest, we can see views of neatly arranged pine trees, a very cool forest atmosphere, enjoy street food and there are even rental places for camping there. Actually, I've been there several times, but I've looked everywhere for my photo and still can't find it. I'm sorry, next time if there is one I'll definitely upload it immediately. Instead, I will give you photos of the views there, who knows, maybe you might want to visit there ❤️ How? Do you want to visit there?? 😃😉 If you have difficulty finding directions there...